Saturday, October 27, 2018

Alda Merini's poem, "I need feelings"

Let's look at the poem from Alda Merini's. about someone who really needs feelings, even needs to feel up to the need for money

Alda Merini, "I need feelings"

I do not need money.

I need feelings,
of words, of words chosen wisely,
of flowers called thoughts,
of roses called presences,
of dreams that inhabit the trees,
of songs that make the statues dance,
of stars that murmur to the lovers' ear.
I need poetry,
this magic that burns the heaviness of words,
which awakens emotions and gives new colors.

My poetry is alacre like fire
It passes between my fingers like a rosary
I do not pray because I am a poet of misfortune
that, at times, the labor pains within the hours are silent,
I am the poet who shouts and plays with his screams,
I am the poet who sings and does not find words,
they are the dry straw above which the sound beats,
I am the ninnanànna who makes the children cry,
it is the vainglory that lets itself fall,
the metal mantle of a long prayer
of the past condolences that do not see the light.


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