Monday, October 29, 2018

5 Of The World's Best Artists' Love Poems

5 Of The World's Best Artists' Love Poems 

1. Charles Bukowski, "When God created love"

When God created love, he did not help us much
when God created dogs he did not help dogs much
when God created plants it was something in the norm
when God created hatred he gave us a normal useful thing
when God created Me, he created Me
when God created the monkey he was sleeping
when he created the giraffe he was drunk
when he created narcotics he was excited
and when he created suicide he was on the ground

When he created you lying in bed
he knew what he was doing
he was drunk and revved
and created the mountains and the sea and the fire
at the same time

He made some mistakes
but when he created you lying in bed
He did all His Holy Universe.


 (Sapardi Djoko Damono)

I want to love you with simple

with a word that could not be pronounced wood
to the fire that made it ash.

I want to love you with simple
with a signal that the cloud could not deliver
to the rain that made it disappear.


(Korrie Layun Rampan)

This road is dusty, lover
Stretched in the field of taste
Sixteen suns arched from sixteen horizons
Afternoon was fierce along the culmination

The night's sleep follows the steps slowly
White Moon Pitter
In the lover's garden

My bride
Between gravel and red sand
Hidden traces that stop by


 (Armijn Pane)

In my head has been designed,
Sheer flower crown,
I have become independent,
Already got happy happy.

I floated to the star,
With trusting eyes,
What is crossing extinct,
What used to tie me up.

Let's love, don't hesitate
Looking for a way; I overtake,
Adinda now
Come on, lover, come along with me
Fly there, by going through,
Own heart


(Asrul Sani)

You put me in the world-park, my beloved!
You lead my finger, you show me the flower laughing, the flower smiles.
you bow my head upright, smell the hidden scent.
You shrieked on my cheeks longing for weak soft beldu leaves.

I was amazed, speechless.
whisper you:
"Taman Swarga, Swarga Mutiara Taman".
You disappeared.
Disturbed, I'm doing something.



Nazim Hikmet, "I love you"

I love you
the adventure of the ship that goes towards the pole
I love you
the audacity of the players of the great discoveries
I love distant things in you
I love the impossible in you
within your eyes like in a wood
full of sun
and sweating hungry, infuriated
I have the hunter's passion
to bite into your flesh.

I love the impossible in you
but not despair.

Gaius Valerius Catullus, "We live, my Lesbian, and we love"

We live, my Lesbia, and we love,
and every treacherous murmur of the old
the vile currency is worth for us.
The day can die and then rise again,
but when our short day dies,
an endless night we will sleep.
Give me a thousand kisses, and then a hundred,
then give me another thousand, and then a hundred,
so a thousand continuous, and therefore a hundred.
And when they will be a thousand and a thousand,
we will hide their true number,
that you do not throw the evil eye the envious one
for such a high number of kisses.

Charles Baudelaire, "Hymn to Beauty"

Come from the deep sky or get out of the abyss,
Your gaze, divine and infernal,
dispense in bulk relief and crime,
and in this you can be compared to wine.

Enclose the sunset and the aurora in your eye;
smell the air like a stormy evening;
your kisses are a filter and your mouth an amphora
that make the hero and the brave child vile.

Do you come out of the black chasm or descend from the stars?
The enraged Destiny follows your skirt
like a dog; sow joy and disaster at random,
and governments everything and nothing responds.

Walk on the corpses, or Beauty, scoffing them,
of your jewels the Horror is not the least attractive,
Assassination, in the midst of your dearest pendants
on your proud belly dance lovingly.

Toward you, candle, the dazzled moth
crackles and burns saying:
 Blessed the flame!
The panting lover bent over the beloved
he looks like a dying man caressing the grave.

Whether you come from heaven or hell, what does it matter,
Beauty! Huge, scary, naive monster!
If your eyes, your smile, your foot open the door
of an Infinity that I love and have never known?

From Satan or from God, what does it matter? Angelo or Sirena,
you make us - with velvet eyes,
rhythm, perfume, light, my only queen!
The less odious universe, the less heavy the minute?

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Alda Merini's poem, "I need feelings"

Let's look at the poem from Alda Merini's. about someone who really needs feelings, even needs to feel up to the need for money

Alda Merini, "I need feelings"

I do not need money.

I need feelings,
of words, of words chosen wisely,
of flowers called thoughts,
of roses called presences,
of dreams that inhabit the trees,
of songs that make the statues dance,
of stars that murmur to the lovers' ear.
I need poetry,
this magic that burns the heaviness of words,
which awakens emotions and gives new colors.

My poetry is alacre like fire
It passes between my fingers like a rosary
I do not pray because I am a poet of misfortune
that, at times, the labor pains within the hours are silent,
I am the poet who shouts and plays with his screams,
I am the poet who sings and does not find words,
they are the dry straw above which the sound beats,
I am the ninnanànna who makes the children cry,
it is the vainglory that lets itself fall,
the metal mantle of a long prayer
of the past condolences that do not see the light.

Julio Cortázar's poem, "The future"

Loving. We don't talk about anything else. Whether it's love or sex, passion or chemistry, is it crushed or half the apple, what will live without love?
Space to share experiences, stories, adventures. A place where trying to help women understand what is happening to their relationship, where giving advice on how to find their soul mate, where to find an explanation for betrayal, jealousy, at the end of the story. Couples live, eros, seduction, conquest and butterflies in the stomach. This is love.
Then, what is the expression about someone according to Julio Cortázar

Julio Cortázar, "The future"

And I know very well that you will not be there.
You will not be there in the street,
not in the murmur that pours out at night
from the poles that illuminate it,
not even in the gesture of choosing the menu,
or in the smile that lightens the "complete whole" of the subterranean,
in lent books and goodbye to tomorrow.

You will not be there in my dreams,
in the original destiny of words,
nor will you be in a phone number
or in the color of a pair of gloves, a blouse.
I will infuriate, my love, and it will not be for you,
and I will not buy sweets for you,
at the corner of the road I will stop,
at that angle you will not play,
and I will say the words that are said
and I will eat the things that are eaten
and I will dream of the dreams we dream of
and I know very well that you will not be there,
nor in here, the prison where I still hold you,
nor out there, in that river of streets and bridges.
You will not be there for anything, you will not even remember,
and when I think of you, I'll think a thought
that darkly tries to remember you.

Eugenio Montale, "I went down, giving you the arm, at least a million stairs"

How to make a unique declaration of love? 

What to read to understand if it is the right man? What to write on a greeting card or for a special dedication? 

Here's what you need: The 100 most beautiful Italian love poems from Dante to De Andrè. It is a book that presents precisely the ranking of the most beautiful and most famous love poems written in our language in the history of literature, it is a complete anthology also very well illustrated. It is an ideal gift and a book from which you can take inspiration from moments of love inspiration. 

But if you need an urgent sentence now, give an eye after the jump, I leave you some excerpts from the book.

Eugenio Montale, 

"I went down, giving you the arm, at least a million stairs"

I went down, giving you the arm, at least a million stairs
and now that you are not there is a void at every step.
Even so, our long journey was short.

My still lasts, and no longer do I need them
coincidences, reservations,
the traps, the scorn of those who believe
that reality is what you see.

I went down millions of stairs, giving you my arm
not because you can see more with just a few eyes.
With you I went down because I knew that about us
the only real pupils, though so blurred,
it was yours.

Pablo Neruda "I Do Not Love You"

Pablo Neruda, "Sonnet XVII"

I do not love you as if I were pink with salt, topaz
or arrow of carnations that propagate the fire:
I love you as you love certain dark things,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that does not flourish and bears
inside, hidden, the light of those flowers;
thanks to your love it lives dark in my body
the concentrated aroma that ascended from the earth.

I love you without knowing how, nor when, nor from where,
I love you directly without problems or pride:
so I love you because I can not love otherwise

that way, this way you are not and are not,
so close that your hand on my chest is mine,
so close that you close your eyes with my sleep.

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